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Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2013

Barrick Gold Corp. (TSE:ABX.CA) — 4.0% YIELD

#1. Barrick Gold Corp. (TSE:ABX.CA) — 4.0% YIELD

At #1, Barrick Gold is engaged in the production and sale of gold, as well as related activities such as exploration and mine development. Co. also produces copper and hold interests in oil and gas properties located in Canada. Co.'s mining operations are concentrated in three regional business units: North America, South America and Australia Pacific. Co. also hold a 73.9% equity interest in African Barrick Gold plc that owns gold mines and exploration properties in Africa. Co.'s copper business unit contains producing copper mines located in Chile and Zambia; and a mine under construction located in Saudi Arabia.
Name: Barrick Gold Corp.
Sector: Precious Metals
Number of ETFs Holding ABX.CA: 4 (see which ones)
Total Market Value Held by ETFs: $1,534,247
Total Market Capitalization: $19,181,000,000
% of Market Cap. Held by ETFs: 0.01%
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